文章:Mark Thurston
实践灵性的中心,就是寻找方法,将更多的意识和领悟,带入日常生活。 对于我们大多数人来说,没有比找到有意义的工作,让我们的灵魂才能发光,更有意义了。
The heart of practical spirituality is finding ways to bring greater consciousness and awareness into everyday living. For most of us there is no greater challenge than finding meaningful work that allows our soul talents to shine through.
凯西资料经常被忽略的礼物之一,是他一生的职业咨询。 他提出了一种真正的整体观点,以帮助个体找到有意义、有生命的工作,这些工作既可以服务于世界,也可以成为个人成就和灵魂成长的源泉。
而且,不需要有天赋的通灵人士,就可以提供触及灵魂的职业咨询。 现在我们来探讨一下构成这种实践灵性的基本要素。
One of Edgar Cayce's often-overlooked gifts was his career counseling through the life reading. He brought a truly holistic perspective to helping the individual find a meaningful life's work that would both serve the world and be a source of personal fulfillment and growth.
However, it doesn't require a gifted clairvoyant to provide soulful career counseling. Let's consider the ingredients that make up this kind of practical spirituality。
我最近有了一个很好的机会来概述这基本要素。我应邀为科罗拉多州职业发展协会举办了为期一天的研讨会:“职业咨询的灵魂”。 这次由85名职业咨询专业人士组成的聚会,使我有机会阐明整体心理学(跟通过亚特兰大大学教授的整体心理学类似),是对传统方法的补充。即根据个性测试和调查问卷,然后使用结果与此个体有可能成功的职业匹配。 我强调,就像“辅助医学”是主流医学和整体康复的综合一样,我们也可以进行“辅助职业咨询”,将他们熟悉的培训与凯西的新观点结合在一起,这些新观点将客户视为灵魂个体。
I recently had a wonderful chance to outline the prominent ingredients when l presented a one-day seminar, "The Soul of Career Counseling," to the Colorado Career Development Association. This gathering of 85 career-counseling professionals was a chance to articulate how holistic psychology- such as that taught through Atlantic University-provides a complement to traditional methods- i.e., administering personality tests and inventories, then using the result to match a client to an occupation in which success is likely. I emphasized that just as "complementary medicine" is the synthesis of mainstream medicine and holistic healing, so too we can have "complementary career counseling," weaving together their familiar training with these new perspectives, which see the client as a soul.
在探索心灵朝向的职业咨询的实际方法和实践之前,扩大“职业”的定义应该很重要。 正如凯西的生命解读一直强调的,人的灵魂目的不仅仅是工作,所以“职业”也应被视为:
And before exploring the actual methodologies and practice of soulful career counseling, it seemed important to broaden the usual definition of "career." Just as Edgar Cayce's life readings always emphasized that one's soul purpose is more than just a job, so too a "career" should be seen as something that is
1) pragmatic, as it provides a way to responsibly earn a living and contribute something usefuI to society;
2) creative, as it challenges one to use his or her talents in new ways; and
3) nourishing, as it helps the individual to grow and to have a sense of doing something meaningful and values-centered.
总而言之,职业咨询的灵魂是敏锐地对每个人的内在呼唤,是对成为卓越的邀请。 著名的心理学家亚伯拉罕·马斯洛(Abraham Maslow)指出,我们每个人都在回避自己的伟大潜力,即“约拿情结”,约拿是不愿接受上帝呼召成为先知的圣经里的人物。
In summary , the soul of career counseling is sensitivity to each person's inner calling- an invitation to greatness. The famed psychologist Abraham Maslow noted that we all tend to shy away from our own potentials for greatness, "the Jonah Complex," referring to the biblical character who was reluctant to take up God's call to be a prophet.
但是,大多数当今培训,都可以通过“职业咨询的灵魂”, 聚焦于独特视角和方法而实现。
Most of the training today, however, focused on the unique perspective and approaches that are possible through "The Soul of Career Counseling."
• Life purpose and meaningful work rest upon a clearly articulated ideal or statement of intentionality.
•强调勇气和谨慎承担风险的位置和作用。 在那个培训中,我描述了勇气的呈现,并帮助客户实现自己的灵魂目标的各种方式。
• Emphasize the role of courage and the place of prudent risk-taking. During the day's
training, I described the various ways that courage can emerge and help the client connect to his or her own soul purpose.
•唤醒并使用自由意志。 人类的意志是灵魂成长的被忽视的秘诀。 正如心理综合学派创始人罗伯托·阿萨吉奥里(Roberto Assagioli)博士所述,我们探索了意志的七种品质:活力,确定的自律,勇于进取,耐心坚持,果断,心意专一和综合能力。 这七个对他们的客户都是至关重要的。
• Waken and apply free will. Human volition is the overlooked secret to soul growth. We explored the seven qualities of will, as described by the founder of Psychosynthesis, Dr. Roberto Assagioli: vitality, affirming self-discipline, courageous initiative, patient persistence, decisiveness, one-pointedness, and synthesis. All seven are crucial clements for their clients.
•采取某种形式的冥想。 我向职业咨询师展示了一种简单,非宗派的方式,来练习冥想和培养内心生活,他们可以教给客户,也可以为自己做。
• Develop some form of meditation. I showed career counselors a simple, non-sectarian way to practice meditation and cultivate an inner life- something they could teach their clients and do for themselves, too.
•拥抱悖论和人格两极。 每个客户都经常表现出,矛盾的特质和兴趣的复杂组合。提升灵魂的职业顾问不会被混杂的信息和矛盾所吸引,而是会将悖论视为在探索中深层的不可避免的一部分。
• Embrace the paradoxes and the polarities of the personality. Each client will present a complex mix of often-contradictory traits and interests.The soulful career counselor won't be thrown by mixed messages and inconsistencies, but rather see paradox as an inescapable part of deep inner exploration.
•请记住,所有时间都是同一时刻。 这是现代量子物理学和秘传智慧融合的地方。 一个人的“未来”已经存在。 我们将成为谁的积极潜力并不是一个空想,它已经非常真实并且已经“存在”。 职业咨询的灵魂邀请来访者与他或她的“未来自我”建立联系,聆听并梦想正在表现出来的才华横溢的自己。
• Remember that all time is one time. Here's where modern quantum physics and mystical wisdom converge. The self of one's "future" already exists. The positive potential of who-we-can-be is not an ethereal dream- it's already very real and already "exists." The Soul of Career Counseling invites the client to have a relationship to his or her "future self," to listen for and dream about the talented, competent person who is in the process of manifesting.
对于该研讨会中的某些咨询专业人士而言,这些方法肯定是一个大大的拓展。 对于其他人来说,者也是他们希望将自己的职业蜕变为一种新的服务客户的方式。
For some of the counseling professionals in that seminar, these approaches were surely a stretch. For others, it was obviously just what they were looking for to transform their career into a new way of serving clients.
Even if you are
not a professional career counselor, consider how these points may still be part of your own practical spirituality as
1) keep alive your ongoing quest to live a soul purpose,
2) informally encourage and support others.