文:Raye Mathis
We are now in the midst of a Mercury Rx in Aries - from March 22 to April 15. Most of you are familiar with the Mercury Rx effects on travel and communications - probably not the best time for me to send out a newsletter :( , but hopefully it will arrive safely in your email.
Uranus in Taurus
The financial cycle in astrology is reflected in the Saturn/Pluto cycle. The most recent cycle began in 1982 with Saturn conjunct Pluto in Libra and will end with the next Saturn conjunct Pluto in the sign of Capricorn in 2020 and will also begin a new cycle. In addition, Uranus is moving into Taurus (resources) on May 15 2018. It will dip back into Aries for a short period, but then enter Taurus again for about 7 years. Uranus can be a bit like a roller-coaster ride: you're up one moment and down the next, (if you're invested in the stock market this will already sound familiar) so it is a time to be a bit more conservative in the area of resources and be careful about taking too much risk unless you enjoy the thrills. The financial areas (as well as large corporations and big government ruled by Capricorn) can be a bit choppy for the next few years.
Lunar Gardening
It's that time again! Humans have been using astrology in farming for thousands of years. Ancient gardeners used the changing shape of the Moon as timing for the best moments to plant and harvest their crops. These ancient cultures believed that if the Moon was increasing in size, then planting at that time meant crops would also increase.
As we moved into the scientific era, this type of farming was scorned as superstitious and referred to as "sympathetic magic," but the belief and practice has continued to persist through thousands of years.
Lunar gardening assumes that just as the Moon's gravitational pull results in the ocean's tides, anything composed of water is subtly affected by the changing phases of the Moon. This means that the water and moisture in plants and soil rise and fall, depending on the position and phase of the moon. This phenomenon is also thought to influence the reproductive cycle in animals as well as the menstruation cycle in females.
If you wish to garden with the moon you need to be aware of two lunar cycles:
The Synodic cycle that divides the lunar cycle into two phases (or four quarters) from waning to waxing and back to waning; and the Sidereal cycle that follows the movement of the Moon through the 12 signs of the zodiac during the month.
The general rule using the Synodic cycle is that you plant during the waxing of the moon - as it goes from the New Moon to the Full Moon. When the Moon is waning - going from the Full Moon to the New Moon - you would harvest and complete other tasks associated with the garden.
The Sidereal cycle charts the Moon's transit across the backdrop of the fixed stars (the 12 zodiac signs) each month. These 12 signs are divided into the 4 elements: Earth and Water (feminine signs) and Fire and Air (masculine signs). The Earth element (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) and Water element (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) have moist, cool and fertile characteristics. The best time to plant is when the Moon transits an Earth or Water sign.
Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) and Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) have hot, dry characteristics and when the Moon is in one of these signs you should harvest your crops or perform regular gardening maintenance but Fire and Air are not the best times for planting.
Many calendars show the phases of the Moon but you may have to search online for the zodiac sign of the Moon on any given day.
I have been gardening for almost 50 years. During that time, when possible, I have tried to plant during the waxing phase of the Moon but I have almost always planted when the Moon was in an Earth or Water sign. I've acquired the reputation among friends and family as having a green thumb, but I think a large part of that is my honoring the lunar cycle.