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* Sun trine Uranus太阳三分天王星 (8)



         One or more prominent afterlife experiences in the realm of Uranus are indicated through this pattern, which was in effect for only a few days in the month when you chose to begin a new earth life.


    此外,如此显著的天王星经历,直接指向了很久以前在古代亚特兰蒂斯的卓越的生命体验。 这种文明在许多方面远比我们当前的西方文化先进,但在许多方面与之平行,无疑为你提供了许多独特的灵魂发展和灵性进步的机会。

         Moreover, such a prominence of Uranian experience between lifetimes directly points to a prominent lifetime long ago in ancient Atlantis. That civilization, in many ways far more advanced than our current Western culture, yet paralleling it in many ways, no doubt offered you many unique opportunities for soul development and mental advancement.



         Therefore, exceptionally high-minded, your thought and experience are tempered by esoteric,symbolic and mystical influences from a likely indwelling in the Uranus dimension of consciousness.



         As an Atlantean -- as well as a Uranian -- you have the clairvoyant capacity constructively to use unseen forces through such natural mysteries as nature spirits and the like.



         Futuristic sciences, parapsychology, astrology, esoteric philosophy, depth psychology as it treats of the conscious, subconscious and superconscious mind, mystical events, coincidences, symbols, charms and other aids to psychic sensitivity are also likely to be of special interest to you.



       In part these interests are from past lives, especially in Atlantis, which probably featured many unusual experiences. You have a sense of the dramatic along with writing abilities which should be applied, even though not a single word were published (yet may well be).


    这个模式还表明你的才能的职业出路,是教学和作为团体和公司的法律中介,特别是在你可以使用机电设备的地方,如计算机和电子媒体。 [解读1741-12902-15149-1423-3] 

         Also indicated as career outlets for your talents are teaching and acting as a legal intermediary for groups and corporations, especially where you can include the use of electro-mechanical devices, like computers and electronic media. [1741-1, 2902-1, 5149-1, 423-3]@