* Sun sextile Uranus太阳六分天王星 (6)
have a great deal of originality, ingenuity, independence, and intuitive
ability. Because of your exceptional intellectual and higher consciousness
capabilities, to some people you seem inclined to be a dabbler into an extraordinarily
wide variety of subjects, projects, and occupations (a Jack-of-all-trades, yet
master of some). Your futuristic, scientific/technological as well as mystical,
New Age interests are sometimes light years ahead of the mainstream. Your main motivation
is likely to be helping others through your abiding interest in things
psychological and astrological, especially in esoteric traditions.
Your afterlife experience in the
Uranus dimension of awareness tends to make you an extremist. Feeling that
anything worth doing is worth overdoing, you do not go at anything
halfheartedly. Yet know that only in the Christ consciousness may extremes be
brought together and made compatible with one another. Others may see you as
taking rather circuitous routes to achieve your many pioneering goals, because
you build your convictions gradually from careful evidence, although never
losing sight of your goals.
Regardless of such outside skepticism as this, you have probably gained
a lot in soul development in this experience. Just be sure to keep in mind a
certain promise: if you turn within, through your prayer, meditation and dream
life, you will know that your Redeemer lives. He is your Guide in correlating,
centering, and coordinating your Uranian activities and interests.
这样的活动,也可能给你带来最大的祝福。 [1210-1、5145-1、398-1、2403-1、2786-1]
most prominent past life was probably an Atlantean one, where you may well have
been quite influential in unifying teachings for the moral, intellectual, and
material uplift of others. In the present, you can best aid seekers -- whether
beginners or advanced students, laymen, the great or the would-be great -- in
knowing their true relationships to their souls, their God, and their overall purpose
for being here, through the application of spiritual guidance and philosophy.
You may be the greatest help to others by giving advice which aids them in
their seeking for truth, without becoming dogmatic. Such an activity is likely
to bring you the greatest blessings as well. [1210-1, 5145-1, 398-1, 2403-1,