例No. 30. 案主是一位40岁的已婚女子,秘书,她的右手无名指上有千日疮(寻常疣common warts),已经数月了,最大时直径8毫米
诊断:寻常疣(verruca vulgaris),右无名指。
案例No. 36. 案主42 year,注册护士。这个案例应该是本系列最不寻常的案例了。我称此案例为“卷发案例”。
Cayce, in his readings, gives us ideas relative to the effects that castor oil has in the body when applied in such a manner, but the understanding is not easy to come by. I would like to use two references first, then comment on them. The first was an answer to a question about a psychic experience the woman had, and Cayce brings the castor oil into this discussion, relating it significantly, I think. The second extract is from an earlier reading given the same woman who had been applying psychic information from Cayce for two years, and was highly desirous of becoming pregnant.
This was an inter-between emotion, or as indicated - a partial psychic experience. Consider that which takes place from the use of the oil pack and its influence upon the body, and something of the emotion experienced may be partially understood.
Oil is that which constitutes, in a form, the nature of activity between the functionings of the organs of the system as related to activity. Much in the same manner as oil would act upon an inanimate object - it acts as a limbering agent, allowing movement, motion, as may be had by the attempt to move a hinge, a wrench, a center, or that movement of an inanimate machinery motion. This is the same effect had upon that which is now animated by spirit. This movement, then, was the reflection of the abilities of the spirit of ANIMATE activity as controlled through the emotions of mind, or the activity of mind between spirit AND matter. This was a vision, see? (1523-14)
Then, for the betterment of the general conditions as a whole, it would be well that much of an analysis be given; that the conditions which are existent be thoroughly understood from a psychological, pathological and physiological standpoint.
These are not meant to be mere terms, but indicate rather the boundaries of the various changes which have taken place, and are taking place, in this body.
In other words, then:
The body, as an entity, is experiencing the result of the mental attitudes of the body through a given period. Thus, psychological conditions have brought, do bring, their effect upon the general systems of the body.
Hence, these are - as the name indicates - a creative, an activative force through the mental and the physical conditions of the body.
Thus there should be, then, the realization that organs and their functionings have become aware, or conscious, of their activity, their function within the system.
While as yet this is not a true or full conception, there is the awareness and the awakening of those influences within the system ... (1523-8)
What part is played here, then, by the lymph, which has occasioned so much comment thus far? This must be discussed in a summary form, as it relates particularly to the function of the autonomic nervous system, for these are closely related and important one to the other.
Cayce sees the lacteals as that anatomical portion of the body which makes it possible for the body to take values from the food and to prepare these values in such a manner that they can be used to revitalize and bring back to life, so to speak, all the tissues the entire system - of this same body. Moreover, he sees the Peyer's patches as creating a "globular" substance which is carried by the lymphocytes to the contact points between the "sympathetic" and the cerebrospinal nervous systems, which occur in the spinal cord or the sympathetic ganglia which lie anterior to tire spinal column. This substance is necessary to form a contact between these two systems, and lack of proper contact brings sometimes physical disorders, sometimes mental derangement that varies from very mild to critically serious in its degree. He infers that this lack of contact is a true lack of relationship (in one cell or millions of them) between the physical consciousness and the "soul and spirit forces" - what we may perhaps call the unconscious mind. The implications of this, of course, are rather widespread and drastic, and leave much suggested which cannot be elaborated upon here.
This same area just mentioned - the spinal cord relationship or connection to the sympathetic ganglia - is often the site of difficulty, which Cayce explains as a "lesion" which forms, due to injury or depletion of the system in certain foodstuffs or nutritional needs, or perhaps through stress situations in life. The following selection demonstrates one manner in which the readings see this lesion coming into being, and indicates that it in turn causes trouble to the system.
In the beginning, then, the cause, or seat of the trouble, we find that there was that in the system that produced a depletion to the physical resistance. During this period there was an injury, or a subluxation, to the 9th and 10th dorsal vertebrae. In the recuperation, in ease, the body formed a lesion to meet the needs of the condition. (943-1)
This philosophy of function in the human body, as becomes gradually apparent in study, would have us understand that these lesions which are formed then become the etiology of other troubles throughout the body, through imperfect transmission of impulses from the higher brain centers to the general areas of the internal workings of the body which are controlled autonomically by the ganglia which are thus affected. We have seen this in numerous selections already quoted. Then a function such as the liver performs is affected, and coordination between the liver and perhaps the kidney as a portion of the elimination of the body becomes a problem. The patient may then develop a frequency or irritation without evidence of infection. Through the disturbance to the liver, the digestion may be affected, and then, in quick order, the assimilation of needed food qualities is limited, the energies of the body suffer, and the nervous system is affected through the lack of substances given to the lymphatic system and subsequent inadequate lymphocytes and again the "globular" substance. So one can see that, in the same manner that "man is not an island", the organs of the body do not stand alone. They are units only in being parts of a larger unit.
Even those many qualities of the world outside of oneself are sensed in such a manner that it becomes effective as an influence on the functioning of the body as a whole. Sounds, colors, tastes, odors, the "feel" of something - all these are shunted through the autonomic nervous system in which manner they become as influences to the organs and tissues of the body as part of their individual consciousness, as these same sensations make their way to consciousness of the whole individual. Even the lesions which occur in the body, as Cayce describes them, become associated with the energies of perception and sensing. In this instance that follows, the lesion is not apparently associated with the spinal cord-ganglion relationship, but rather is one of those created in the abdominal cavity, which may be the type conceivably created by lymphatic disturbance and inadequate lymphatic drainage from a given site. (This does not seem to be quite clear, yet - at least in my studies of the readings.)
Q. What happened, a few months ago during the headache, when something seemed to pop in my head, - since which time the attacks haven't seemed to be as severe?
A. There is the coordination between the nerve systems, as we have indicated, at the area where the medulla oblongata enters the lower portion or the brain, see? At that period when there was such a severe attack, there was the breaking or a lesion in the abdominal area. This SOUNDED through the sympathetic nerve system, PRODUCING the condition in the head itself. For, as was indicated, it appeared to go THROUGH AND OUT the head. (1857-1)
The emotions, responses within the individual to conditions outside the body in relationship to other people, self's evaluation of self, all bring about within the body a disturbance that often sees certain areas affected according to the emotions experienced. But the balance within the body organs and body systems becomes disturbed, elimination is hindered, intake of food is associated with turmoil, and the beginnings are seen of body sickness through just the mechanisms which have been here only lightly touched upon.
The circulatory system to various parts of the body as it is related to the autonomic is a site of disturbance frequently mentioned. These relationships were not made clear in the study just completed, nor were those which bring together the efficacy of the castor oil packs in pelvic diseases and the sacral parasympathetic supply to these organs.
Much in the way of physiologic function as seen by these readings which Cayce gave for over forty years becomes shifted into the first levels of understandability as serious study is given portions of the readings. The rationale of castor oil pack therapy begins to become apparent. And few, if any, contradictions show up in the rather startling number of words which flowed in such a strange manner from the lips of a dedicated man and the reaches of an unconscious mind.
Cayce, whose work on these readings ceased nearly twenty years ago with his death, would undoubtedly agree that this last extract would speak to these strange results from a strange therapy.
For, what is the source of all healing for human ills? From whence doth the body receive life, light or immortality? That the body as an active force is the result of spirit and mind, these coordinating and cooperating, enables the entity to bring forth in the experience that which may be used - or the using of the abilities of whatever nature. Each soul has within its power that to use which may make it at one with Creative Forces or God. These are the sources from which life, light, and the activity of the body, mind and soul may manifest in whatever may be the active source or principle in the mind of the individual entity. (3492-1)
There are then, as given, those influences in the nature of man that may supply that needed. For, man in his nature - physical, mental and spiritual - is a replica, is a part of whole universal reaction in materiality.
Hence there are those elements which if applied in a material way, if there is the activity with same of the spirit and mind, may [)ring into the experience of each atom of the body force or cell itself the awareness of the Creative Force of God. It may rise only as high as the ideal held by the body-mind.
所以,只有唯一的道,那就是生命源头。在上主中,有生命、健康、知识、领悟、永恒,也存在于各自的灵魂里。 (凯西解读3492-1)
[Note: The preceding report was provided by William McGarey, M. D. and is excerpted from The A.R.E. Journal, March, 1967, Volume 2, No. 2, page 3, Copyright © 1967 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation, Virginia Beach, VA.]
l 外伤伤口快速愈合
l 内脏器官调理
【英文名称】:Castor Oil
案例咨询:18621198792 体验预约:13501634997 有机口服级别蓖麻油,凯西淘宝店有售)