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凯西旗下的经纬研究院(Meridian Institute)组织的第一次牛皮癣项目是在寒意初上的十一月进行的,地点是在离凯西总部不远的一所面朝大海的别墅里。九位牛皮癣患者参与了这个项目,我们同吃同住,一起度过了安排紧密的十二天时间。我们来研习,也作为被研究者,年龄跨度从12到76岁。


项目的总指导是经纬学院的负责人Eric Mein医师和来自新泽西的整脊医师John Pagano博士。畅销的《疗愈牛皮癣Healing Psoriasis》就是John Pagano医师的著作。




在开始时,有医学检查,尤其包括“小肠渗漏”检测,这是一种测定肠漏综合症(Leaky Gut Syndrome)的方法。凯西是第一位指出牛皮癣的问题与被损伤和变薄的小肠壁的绝对相关性,他说毒素和食物颗粒透过这些损伤部位,被系统带入血液中,并从皮肤被排除出体外。医学界只是在最近才考虑这个可能性。


当地的一位整脊医师Carl Nelson负责检查和调理每个人的脊椎和肌肉组织。他说“凯西一直强调第6和第7胸椎错位与牛皮癣的关联性。我的责任是确定这些部位是否正确。如果有问题,我会用凯西-赖利整脊按摩法去调理放松。凯西经常讲到牛皮癣患者往往会显示一个特别的生理-心理状况:在太阳神经丛区域深藏压力,这里正是小肠开始的部位,这里的某些部位变薄,让毒素从这里被吸收回体内。”


医学心理专项由David McMillin医师实施,他是心理健康专家,负责检测影响病症的心理因素;John Pagano医师也会进行一对一的检测,确定个体的病患严重程度、食物过敏等其他因素。


John Pagano医师做了全面的介绍,讲述了他多年治疗牛皮癣的临床经验,用众多PPT的图片展示多位患者惊人的恢复程度。营养专家Tina Marie Mollica讲述牛皮癣与营养的关系,尤其突出凯西强调的致酸性食物与致碱性食物的摄入量的合理比例是20%:80%,当然还有诸多需要的和不应该食用的食物和组合。她全程监管三餐的制作,并且带我们去了一次商场,教我们如何辨识有害成分。


在个体治疗和检测之间,安排了一系列讲座和工作坊,目的在于开发正面积极的心态。Mein医师关于身心链接一体的、Kevin Todeschi关于理想的、Raye Mathis让我们体验声音与音乐跟疗愈的关系,还有Charles Thomas Cayce博士关于心态、情绪和冥想的讲座及体验。


随着时间的过去,集体疗愈的力量开始显现。小组成员展现出来爱、和谐和亲密。疗愈不仅仅表现的身体上,同时也是情绪上、心理上、心灵上的。许多人都觉得彼此似曾相识,尽管他们都是第一次见面。来自麻省的Natalie Reid说,“这样的集体疗愈有着奇迹般的品质。我们几个人开始互不相识,除了牛皮癣外,大家几乎没有共同点,而到了最后我们成为一家,而且是强有力的一家,我们不再单兵作战了。我感受到团队的祝福,大家的能量加持和疗愈。”





乳糖甘露醇比值(Lactulose/mannitol ratio),  牛皮癣范围和严重指数Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI)和个体牛皮癣自测指数Psoriasis Severity Scale (PSS),是几个量化的采集数据。


Lactulose/mannitol ratio






















Psoriasis Case Reports 
February 3, 2000


Meridian Institute, 1853 Old Donation Parkway, Suite 1 
Virginia Beach, VA 23454
(757) 496-600



    Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease, with a variety of symptoms, most commonly reddened skin patches and inflamed, swollen skin lesions covered with silver-white scales. It is very common (about 3 million Americans affected), but the cause is not known, and there is no generally recognized cure.


    The Edgar Cayce readings say that, although it appears to be a skin disease, most cases of psoriasis are caused by toxins from the digestive system. There is a thinning of the walls of the small intestine, and this thinning allows toxins to leak from the intestinal tract into the circulation. These eventually find their way to the superficial circulation, and trigger an immune response in the skin.

在过去的几年里,医学研究的某些进展,正在证明凯西的观点。但系统地使用和实践凯西所推荐的治疗方案,只有John Pagano医生。他是新泽西州的整脊医师,《疗愈牛皮癣》等书的作者。他的临床案例中有无数完全疗愈的成功记录。

    In the past several years, medical research has provided some evidence supporting the Cayce perspective, but the only person to have systematically applied the Cayce recommendations for treatment is Dr. John Pagano, a New Jersey chiropractor who wrote the book Healing Psoriasis: The Natural Alternative. Dr. Pagano has many well-documented cases of complete healing of severe psoriasis.

经纬研究院主办了两期研究项目,肯定了John Pagano医生的方案,并且对肠部渗漏的角色进行研究。在数年前的第一次牛皮癣项目里,我们联合John Pagano医生,教导十名患者使用凯西治疗方案。在6个月内,大多数牛皮癣患者都得到了不同程度的疗愈,皮肤问题有显著的改善。

Meridian Institute has conducted two projects confirming Pagano's approach, and exploring the role of intestinal permeability or "leaky gut." Four years ago, in our first major research project, we brought Dr. Pagano in as an advisor, and taught 10 people the elements of the Cayce therapeutic approach. Within six months, most had experienced some healing of their psoriasis, some with major clearing of the skin lesions.

附后的案例是我们第二次的牛皮癣项目,5位患者(开始是6个人,有一位中途退出)。在19995月,他们来参与开始的疗愈实践研讨会,系统地学习如何在家里实践凯西的方法。在这次集会期间,他们接受药物蒸气浴、整脊按摩、洗肠水疗等。而回到家里,他们必须坚持相对严格的凯西饮食:主要食用果蔬类,禁止油炸食品和红肉。另外,还需要饮用草药茶:西红花和榆树皮粉。肠漏检测采用的是乳糖甘露醇测试。其中的两个人显示有严重的肠漏,分别为0.1340.084(平均正常值是0.01-0.06.另外还有牛皮癣范围和严重指数Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI)和个体牛皮癣自测指数Psoriasis Severity Scale (PSS)。我们对患病的部位进行了拍照。

    In the cases reported here, we repeated and improved the psoriasis project, with five participants (a sixth began the study but dropped out). In May 1999, they attended an initial conference, in which they learned how to apply the Cayce treatments at home. At the conference they underwent an initial cleansing including fume baths, massages, and colonic irrigations. The home treatment approach included a diet consisting primarily of fresh fruits and vegetables, no fried food, and no red meat. The diet was supplemented with herbal preparations: saffron tea and slippery elm bark water. Their intestinal permeability was assessed using a simple test involving drinking a sugar solution (the lactulose/mannitol test). Two of the five people had abnormally high permeability. Psoriasis symptoms were also assessed using the Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI), a scale administered by Dr. Eric Mein, and a self-report inventory of symptoms, the Psoriasis Severity Scale (PSS). Photographs of the affected areas were also taken.


   After six months following the protocol, the participants returned to Virginia Beach for an assessment of their psoriasis symptoms. All had substantial improvement. In addition, the intestinal permeability of all five people had decreased.


   The most difficult part for most participants was consistency in following the diet. When, for various reasons including travel, they slipped in their adherence to the diet, the psoriasis symptoms partially returned, confirming the importance of this aspect of the Cayce treatment approach. Below are individual reports of the five cases (and a note about the sixth person who dropped out). 

案例一Case 1


Case 1 is a 40-year-old woman, a physician. Her psoriasis began in 1991. At the beginning of the project, she described her symptoms:


    "My psoriasis affects my hands and feet. It causes mild to moderate itching and is worsened by washing my hands. I need to frequently wash my hands in my medical practice, so the psoriasis affects my comfort during the day. It is worsened when I am stressed, i.e., if I don't get sufficient sleep. It is somewhat stressful to answer questions that my patients have about "what is wrong with my skin?" I feel it indicates that there is some imbalance in my body. I wish to have an overall healthier body."


    I addition to the psoriasis, she had also had some asthma and allergies (allergic rhinitis) in the past, but homeopathic medicine had led to a major improvement in those conditions and some improvement in her psoriasis.


    At the 6-month follow-up, Case 1 reported that her psoriasis symptoms were "much improved," and her symptoms other than psoriasis were "much improved." She felt that her psoriasis degree of disability was "much less disabling," and that her attitudes and emotions were "much improved." In her written comments, she said "I had complete clearing of psoriasis on hands and elbows. I had 80% improvement of psoriasis on feet, then I had 3 weeks of antibiotics to prophylax from tick bite. After that my psoriasis on my feet mildly flared - to about 60% of improvement."


    In the before/after pictures, Case 1 had major improvement. Her most prominent symptom, the rough, red areas on her hands and elbows, were completely cleared. There was still some psoriasis on her foot. She also showed improvement on the two measures of psoriasis symptoms (Table 1). Her lactulose/mannitol ratio, which had been high at the beginning (.134) was normal after six months (.038).


    Regarding compliance with the protocol, she followed the diet "most of the time," and used the herbal teas "almost every day." This is excellent compliance with the diet and the teas. She used castor oil packs "a few times since the conference," had "one to three" colonics after the conference, and only received spinal adjustments at the conference. This is good compliance with the colonics, and poor compliance with the adjustments and castor oil packs.


    In an interview at the 6-month follow-up, Case 1 said:


    "It's been very, very good for my health. In addition to my psoriasis much, much improving. My hands are clear. I used to have it on my hands, and on my elbows and on my feet. I used to be very, very itchy. I'm a physician, and when I used to wear gloves, or wash my hands a lot, the water used to bother me. The water doesn't bother me at all anymore. The psoriasis cleared up on my hands within one month, and it has never resurfaced. The psoriasis cleared up on my elbows within about two months of starting the diet protocol. Also my feet are 60% better. And they were almost clear, 80% cleared up. Then about three months ago I had a tick bite and I took antibiotics for three weeks. I think it disturbed my digestion. After that, I have never gotten back to as clear as they had been at that time. But they're still 60% better than they were when I started.


"The slippery elm bark helped a lot. If I missed the slippery elm bark one day, I notice that I start getting an itchy eczema on my fingers the next day. And I try not to visualize it as coming back. I just say, got to take that slippery elm bark immediately. And then it goes away the next day. And I get itchy, too, when I miss a day of slippery elm bark. For me that's a very important thing.


"I think the whole idea of my self getting healthier. I really think that I'm getting more at the root of what's going on, rather than just treating the psoriasis. I am glad that I had the psoriasis, because it has me eating better, paying attention to how I eat. Paying attention to healthier living styles. It's something that I can easily monitor, because it's on my skin. So I can say I'm doing something that's healthy for myself. That's why my skin is getting better. In the long term scheme of things, I've had an opportunity to improve my eating habits and my digestive system.


    "On a spiritual level, just in the last five years, I've been very aware of meditating and prayer. This year - I can't directly attribute it to the Cayce protocols, but it's consistent with it - I've been really looking at forgiving people and taking my own personal inventory and doing positive affirmations. Which are definitely consistent with what he would say. Look at yourself, be kind to yourself, but also there are certain things you want to forgive and change - accept about yourself, and certain things you want to grow beyond. I'm on that path." 

(图片来自John Pagano医生的网站)

案例二Case 2


   Case 2 is a 68-year-old man, a consultant. His psoriasis began around 1985-1986. At the beginning of the project he described his symptoms:


"At times, I feel itchy, and my skin feels sensitive and painful (hot). I don't think my psoriasis has affected my health."


    Photography showed large areas of reddened skin, with prominent white scaly areas.


    At the 6-month follow-up, Case 2 reported that his psoriasis symptoms were "much improved," and his symptoms other than psoriasis were "about the same." (Note that he did not feel at the beginning that his psoriasis had any effect on his other health.) He felt that his psoriasis degree of disability was "much less disabling," and that his attitudes and emotions were "improved." In his written comments, he noted "My retirement has certainly lessened my stress level."


    The before/after pictures of Case 2 revealed substantial healing of his psoriasis. Most notable was the complete disappearance of the white scales on his back. There were still large areas of red, but no scales at all. He also showed improvement on the two measures of psoriasis symptoms (Table 1). His lactulose/mannitol ratio, which had been high at the beginning (.084) was normal after six months (.022).


    Regarding compliance with the protocol, he followed the diet "almost every day," and used the herbal teas "almost every day." This is excellent compliance with the diet and the teas. He used castor oil packs "a few times since the conference," had "one to three" colonics after the conference, and had "four or more" spinal adjustments. This is good compliance with the colonics, poor compliance with the castor oil packs, and excellent compliance with the adjustments.

    In an interview at the 6-month follow-up, Case 2 said:


    "I'm very excited with it. I had hoped to be completely cleared by six months, but it's progressed far enough along there, that I think it's just a little bit more time that will clear up everything.


    "My skin has improved quite a bit. I'm very happy with that. [In the last six months] more than fifty percent I would say. Again, it's not that everything has cleared up, but it's the degree, I would say. There's still some red spots, but it's not as thick and itchy as it used to be. I'd say it's improved in the sense that I don't feel like I'm leaving little bits of skin all over the place anymore. The bed isn't all full of white skin when I get up. It's pretty clean. Percentage-wise, I'd say between 70 and 75% probably. Even though it's still covering my body. I had hoped to have been completely cleared." 

案例三Case 3


    Case 3 is a 47-year-old woman, a client data clerk. Her psoriasis began in August, 1997. She described her symptoms as "itching, ugly skin lesions." She also had some general health problems, specifically hepatitis C. She noted that her diet was poor, that she was overweight, and craved and consumed a lot of sweets.


    At the 6-month follow-up, Case 3 reported that her psoriasis symptoms were "much improved," and her symptoms other than psoriasis were "much improved." She felt that her psoriasis degree of disability was "much less disabling," and that her attitudes and emotions were "much improved." She did not provide written comments, but see interview comments below. Her improvement in general health is interesting, because of her hepatitis C, which was not specifically being treated in this project, but apparently benefited from the general cleansing regimen. The castor oil packs may have specifically affected the hepatitis.


    In the before/after pictures, Case 3's improvement was difficult to see. Her before pictures did not reveal much obvious psoriasis; her after pictures did not reveal any psoriasis at all. She showed substantial improvement on the two measures of psoriasis symptoms (Table 1). Her lactulose/mannitol ratio, which was in the normal range at the beginning (.034) was still normal but lower after six months (.019).


    Regarding compliance with the protocol, she followed the diet "most of the time," and used the herbal teas "most of the time." This is very good compliance with the diet and the teas, particularly in the light of her comments regarding her diet at the beginning of the project. She used castor oil packs "almost every week," had only the colonics at the conference, and only received spinal adjustments at the conference. This is excellent compliance with the castor oil packs, and poor compliance with the adjustments and colonics.

    In an interview at the 6-month follow-up, Case 3 said:


    "I've cleared up. I actually just have a couple places on my back, my lower back, which is nothing. And my head has not cleared. But other than that, I've cleared everywhere else. So I'm thrilled with that." 


