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"...learn to meditate properly upon that which may bring health, solace, peace, happiness, joy, life, affluence, influence, and brotherly love."                             Edgar Cayce reading 436-3


                                                                  凯西解读 436-3


"...it is as necessary to keep the body coordinating and clean as it is to keep the mental attitude right as well as the correct spiritual purposes and desires..."                                      Edgar Cayce reading 5203-1


                                                                                                                  凯西解读 5203-1


"Thus, we would have quantities of citrus fruit juices, or citrus fruits, as a portion of the diet more than once a day."                         Edgar Cayce reading 2520-2

我们建议在每天的饮食中,起码一餐要配有橙类水果或果汁   凯西解读 2520-2


"...know that it is the activating of the spiritual forces within the body that brings, that must bring, healing!"                           Edgar Cayce reading 2703-1

要知道,因为体内的灵性力量的激活,方带来治愈,一定是如此。  凯西解读 2703-1


"Keep in a happy, optimistic attitude, and think constructively!" Edgar Cayce reading 480-33

保持一个快乐、积极的生活态度,要有建设性的思考!  凯西解读480-33



"Keep an attitude of helpfulness, cheerfulness, hopefulness, Be optimistic! At least make three people each day laugh heartily, by something the body says! It'll not only help the body; it'll help others!"

                     Edgar Cayce reading 798-1

保持一种帮助性的、快乐的、有希望的态度,要乐观!明天通过身体语言,至少让三个人开心地大笑!这样不仅帮助了自己的身体,也帮助了他人!                                       凯西解读 798-1

"Do not become one that is subject to, 'Well, I can't eat this,' or 'I can't eat that!' But control self with those abilities that lie within self as to the will influencing.“          Edgar Cayce reading 1040-1


                                                                                       凯西解读 1040-1


"The most obvious effect that I found in treating the body using a castor oil pack was the enhancement of the immune system." From The Oil That Heals: A Physician's Successes with Castor Oil Treatments by William A. McGarey, M.D.



"Two people can do exactly the same things toward rejuvenation and wellness, but get different results...Attitude is a powerful, unseen influence in the outcome of any activity." From Edgar Cayce on Rejuvenation of the Body by John Van Auken

“两个人用同样的健康方法,但可能得到完全不同的结果。。。态度对任何活动的产出都有强有力的、看不见影响力。”  《凯西之身体回春》

"All healing is one, whether in the laying on of hands, by word of mouth, by mechanotherapy, mechanical applications or what not. God is the Creative Force that gives life --- and not the medicine or the application!"                                                           Edgar Cayce reading 1663-1

“一切的治疗都是同一的,不管是用双手的能量治疗,还是言辞的信心治疗,还是力学疗法、仪器治疗什么的。神,就是那给予生命的创造力量---不是那药物或者仪器。”                       凯西解读1663-1

For those suffering from arthritis or bronchial disturbances, the Cayce readings often suggest the addition of pine needle oil to a bath. Pine needle oil is also recommended for inhalations, usually in combination with eucalyptus oil.


"Do not eat or overload the system when there is the disturbance either of fatigue û physical or of over excitement from any causes."                                      Edgar Cayce reading 464-9

在身体极度疲倦或者情绪兴奋等情况下,不要进食加重身体的负荷                             凯西解读 464-9