"So, the warnings are that these forces, these activities, are to have their criterion from which a premise my be made, and the Judgment that is brought to a material condition my be seen as to how it my operate."
Cayce puts psychic ability in its place. It is no different from other aspects of the creative forces: creativity, love, sexual and procreative ability. It is all of these and they are of one source; developing one develops the others. This development occurs through the self's greater awareness that these aspects originate in the soul.
"In the warnings, there are seen many may be gotten from that which might be given in the development of any faculty or attribute of the physical or mental body for the developments of the psychic forces are the development of the spiritual body, which manifests in and through the physical or mental body." (5752-2)
The second reading begins with a discussion of developing psychic ability in children. It seems to use this topic as a means of driving home the point about the importance of grounding psychic talent in ideals, and it poses the question as to whether psychic ability should be developed in children.
"Should one have children become acquainted with their Maker, or their selves7 Would one have them be on speaking terms with the cosmic forces, with those influences that magnify the spiritual life?"
Thus it reminds us of how basic to our creation is the psychic How can we say no?
The reading refers to the story of Hannah and her son Samuel. Hannah had been barren until she prayed to God and asked for a son whom she could dedicate to His service. The Cayce source would have us follow Hannah's example. Beyond the literal meaning here-praying for our children even before they are conceived-the reading is subtly reminding us that before we even begin to conceive of developing our psychic ability, we need to dedicate that talent to the Lord-that is, to the love of oneness.
"How develop the psychic forces? So live in body, in mind, that self may be a channel through which the Creative Forces may run, flow is the current of life or of modern science used in the commercial world? By preparing a channel through which same may run into, or through, that necessary for the use in the material things. body mentally, physically, spiritually, so make the body, the mind, the spiritual influences, a channel-and the natural consequence will be the manifestations."
That is to say, rather than asking to become telepathic, ask instead to serve, to be useful-and if telepathy would help in that endeavor, so be it! This advice echoes our earlier thoughts on the predicament of the monkey whose hand was full of cherries but stuck in the jar. We have there the image of the hand inflated with its cherries, symbolic of a self-image inflated with notions of "its" abilities. We have also the image of the jar pouring out its cherries into an opened hand, and we are reminded of Cayce's phrases concerning the current of life, of our being a channel through which this current may flow.
This is similar to the adage, "Necessity is the mother of invention."" That is to say, do not develop psychic ability for its own sake, but rather for the purpose of serving the spiritual. This advice has been well justified in parapsychology experiments conducted by ILRE. It has been found that people evidence less telepathic ability when their ability is tested simply for its presence than when it is challenged to produce something needed to help another person. In the first instance, people are tested to determine if they can "read" another person's mind. If they can, they score a "hit." In this instance, the focus is on the subjects' abilities. In the second test, people are asked to determine what would be helpful for the target person, and their intuitive faculties are naturally brought to bear. The focus here is on being helpful and the psychic ability manifested is greater-and feels better!
"Let that mind be in you as was in Him who thought it not robbery to make Himself equal with Cod, yet took on Himself the burden of all, that through His physical suffering, His privation in body, in mind, there might come the blessings to others. Not self, but others. He or she, that may lose self then, for others, may develop those faculties that will give the greater expression of psychic forces in their experience."
"The adherence to and developing of the ability to see and appreciate the beautiful, the pure, and the lovely in everything and everybody we contact-everything within the scope of what affects our body, mind and heart-will develop in us the abilities to be in closer attunement with the Infinite. And this is developing our psychic abilities within."