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【客户反馈】"I have Arthritis and MS and Sweetfeet is the only thing that gives me any peace. I massage it into my legs and feet." - R.J., Martinsburg, WV

"I had an intensive operation that kept me in bed for several days. When I needed to move around, just standing on my feet was agony. Then I got Sweetfeet as a gift. My legs were swollen and so sore I could hardly walk, but when Sweetfeet is massaged in, I dance. I am grateful that this formula exists. It truly helped me get back on my feet." - J.B., Chester Springs, PA

【凯西解读】This would be good for anyone that stands on the feet much, or whose feet pain, or ankle or knees or tendons."

"In the lower portions of the extremities, where there has been the injury in the foot or the toe, these do not show infection but a stiffness. From the hips down, rubbing on either one of the limbs or both; not over the portions that have shown injury but in the feet and in the ankle, limb and hip, a small portion of the following compound massaged into same will be most beneficial..." Edgar Cayce


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